Second Nature
just like riding a bike.
The old expression, “Just like Riding a Bike,” is often used to describe something that comes second nature and should be easy to do. It implies that we know everything about an activity and can take off where we left off.
Second Nature | Brand Concept
Class: Corporate ID and Brand Identity
Designer: Olivia Childs
For this project in my Corporate ID class I was immediately inspired by my passion for biking! I created the character that is sitting on the bike from a picture of my friend. I really loved this project because i was inspired by doing what I love most, biking on the trails! In my creative process, experiencing things in life really helps drive my concept home!
This concept definitely derived from my love of biking and incorporating that into a body of work that could be a brand of your favorite local bike shop, a logo for a bike company, or could be used as a campaign to boost energy and sales FOR a bike shop. I especially loved incorporating my illustrative style into a fun, more unusual take on a bike company.